Methodological Aspects of Romanticism's Consideration in the European Musical Art of the 19th – the beginning of 20th Century


  • Olha Lihus
  • Valentyn Lihus



Romanticism, Romanticism epoch, romantic style, musical Romanticism, romantic art.


The aim of the article is to reveal the methodological aspects of the European Romanticism's investigation in the musical art and culture studies works. The methodology of the research presupposes such methods: historical – in the analysis of the processes of formation and evolution of Romanticism in the European art of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th century; historical-cultural – in the consideration of the conceptual foundations of the universal cultural and socio-historical context of the Romantic epoch; descriptive – in the analysis of the terminology and its interpretation of the Romanticism notion; historical-comparative – in the comparison of different manifestations of Romanticism in the 19th – the beginning of the 20th century; method of modeling – in the construction of a stylistic model of Romanticism of the particular period; typological – in the definition of the most peculiar features of the Romantic style. The scientific novelty of the research is a systematization of the scientific experience of the examination of Romanticism and the definition of the modern tendencies of the research of these ranges of problems. Conclusions. The reasons for the difference in the definitions and interpretations of Romanticism by the musicologists and theorists of literature are defined. The common positions of the researchers of Romanticism are considered: the understanding of Romanticism as a multilevel category; consideration of national versions of Romanticism in different European cultures; recognition of Romanticism as a dynamic system of multidirectional tendencies.


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Musical art