Academic honesty as a factor of formation of professional self-consciousness of higher education students of humanitarian and cultural and artistic fields of expertise


  • Maryna Chumachenko



plagiarism, academic honesty, academic culture, higher education, professional self-consciousness, employers.


The purpose of the article lies in the comprehension of academic honesty as a factor of the formation of professional self-consciousness of higher education students of humanitarian and cultural and artistic fields of expertise. The methodology of the research is based on the utilization of methods of hermeneutic interpretation (to compare interpretations of academic plagiarism in the prominent higher education institutions of the United States of America), comparative analysis (with the purpose to discover control methods, prevention of the facts of violation of academic honesty in foreign and national educational establishments, determination of the role of academic honesty in the formation of professional self-consciousness of higher education students in Ukraine), structural and functional method (to discover the role of employers` engagement into the educational process as an impact factor and intensifier of academic culture and professional consciousness of higher education students). The scientific novelty lies in carrying out a theoretical analysis of the role of academic honesty in the formation of professional self-consciousness of higher education students, of the forms and means to update academic honesty taking into account modern trends to perform the educational activity in Ukraine. Conclusions. The determination of the higher education establishment strategy as to the observance of academic honesty, detection, and prevention of academic plagiarism, the formation of academic culture, and means to promote the expansion of professional self-consciousness of higher education students is a powerful platform for higher education quality assurance.


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