Terebovlian college of culture and arts - center of folk-stage Choreography of ternopil region


  • Andrii Pidlypskyi




Terebovlia College of Culture and Arts, choreography of Ternopil region, folk-stage dance, dances, choreographic culture of Ukraine.


Purpose of Research is to identify the role of Terebovlia College of Culture and Arts in the development of folk and stage choreography of Ternopil region. Methodology. A set of methods was used, including analysis of the literary and source base, systematization of events on a chronological basis, analysis of the college through the prism of creativity of teachers, students, graduates. Scientific novelt. For the first time the activity of the choreographic department of Terebovlia College of Culture and Arts in the aspect of contribution to the development of folk-stage choreography was comprehensively analyzed; archival materials were introduced into scientific circulation, which clarify and supplement the available information on the activities of I. Nykolyshyn and the ensemble "Liubystok". Conclusions. The choreographic department of the Terebovlia College of Culture and Arts continues the traditions of folk and stage choreography established by the founders of the department. The key to a high level of student training was the constant desire of the teaching staff to improve their skills, education at the Kyiv State Institute of Culture O.E. Korniychuk, Rivne Institute of Culture, National Pedagogical University. MP Dragomanova. The model of educational work of the college provides not only purely training forms, but also powerful artistic and educational activities of teachers and students, which is manifested in staging and concert work. In the activities of student groups (Folk Dance Ensemble "Source" and Folk Dance Ensemble " Liubystok ") develops two areas of folk stage choreography – stylistically close to the original sources and academic. College graduates, thanks to concert and creative activities as part of student ensembles, acquire professional performing competencies in demand in the field of professional performing activities in Ukraine.


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