The origins of art and education in ancient China


  • Maryna Antoshko



musical education of China, musical art, cultural traditions, theater.


The purpose of the research is to study the problem of the origins of Chinese art, in particular, the topic of musical education, which is interesting for its history, dating back to antiquity. The article also raises issues of music and theatrical origins. The methodology uses comparative, historical, and biographical methods in the study of this subject. The scientific novelty of the article is to study the actual problem that has arisen in the educational system, to study in more detail the origins of musical education, as well as to clarify the role of music and theater in China. The originality of the art of this country is not fully understood, with its ancient traditions. Conclusions. On the basis of studying the problem of China's musical education, we discovered the processes of development and modernization. Were also studied the problems of art, especially the formation of music in China and the musical and theatrical art, through the study of folk sources. The article also presents ancient samples of musical instruments. The main epochs marked by important events in the cultural life of China are vividly highlighted. At the moment, the culture of education and musical and theatrical life is not fully understood, which is of great interest for further study.


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Musical art