The songs by J. Brahms op.57 (to a question of compositional and dramaturgical integrity of the cycle)


  • Olga Petrova



J.Brahms, vocal creativity, genre of song, opus, vocal cycle, compositional and dramaturgical integrity.


The purpose of the article is to consider the vocal opus 57 by J. Brahms in terms of identifying signs of cyclicality in it. The methodology of the work is based on the application of analytical, structural, systemic methods, which make it possible to realize the opus as a single artistic structure, to identify the systemic principles of its organization at the figurative, thematic, harmonic, form-making levels. The scientific novelty is that for the first time in Ukrainian musicology vocal opus 57 by J.Brahms receives analytical coverage in terms of the problem of compositional and dramaturgical unity of the cycle. Conclusions. As a result of an integrated musical analysis of the songs of opus 57, created by the composer on G.F. Daumer's poetic texts, a set of features was revealed that confirm not only the possibility, but also the need to interpret this vocal opus from the point of view of the cycle. Among them are the presence of relief dramaturgy, a through line of figurative and thematic development, a system of flexible intonation connections between the songs, a clear logic of tonal correlations and compositional decisions. The specificity of interaction in the cycle of verbal and musical texts, the composer's skill in discovering the thinnest nuances of the poetic word and its semantic subtext by musical means were also revealed.


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Musical art