Interpretation of neume signs from the handwritten «Alphabet of the Singing»


  • Mykola Рidhorbunskyi



singing alphabet, handwritten collection, interpretation alphabet, neume signs.


The purpose of the article is to carrying out a paleographic description and identifying characteristic features in the formation of ABC interpretations in the XVIII-XIX centuries. The methodology includes system analysis, which contributed to the comprehension of handwritten singing alphabet interpretations. To determine the temporal and quantitative characteristics of the studied material, statistical, and chronological methods are used. The scientific novelty lies in the interpretation of simple, composed neume signs formed in groups in the direction of movement of the melody and rhythm. Conclusions. Paleographic analysis of the ABC of singing f. 301, No. 638 p, allowed to identify certain patterns, to find common features and differences with other handwritten ABCs. It is determined from the XVIII to the beginning of the XIX century. song alphabets have not only a list of neume but also their interpretation and division of neume signs into groups in the direction of movement of the melody and rhythm. As a result of the analysis of manuscript collections, it was established that the filling with alphabet of insignificant characters, both in the 16th century and in subsequent centuries, occurred in accordance with their use during singing practice. As a rule, those signs that were considered the most important in the performance of church hymns were introduced into the alphabet. During the study, five groups of neume signs located at the end of the song alphabet were analyzed. Their characteristic features are determined: sound hundreds are established, the number of sounds, and the melodic orientation of neume signs.


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Musical art