Therapeutic effects of ensemble singing


  • Viktor Kavun



ensemble singing, art therapy, creativity, musical art.


The purpose of the article is to disclose the characteristic of ensemble singing and identify ways of its effects on the human body. Methodology. In achieving this goal, the following research methods were applied: comparison, systematization, the generalization of the problem studied, works on vocal pedagogy, art therapy, and art psychology were used. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of the research is that ensemble singing is considered as a method of art therapy and an attempt is made to prove its therapeutic effect on humans. Conclusions. A special role in the process of training a vocal ensemble is assigned to the leader. The success of the ensemble’s activities, motivation, and the desire for quick results are dependent on him. First of all, the vocal leader should create a friendly, favorable atmosphere in the team. He also takes an active part in art therapy, goes through all stages. In the course of work, it was revealed that inclusion in the vocal group, regular classes, a conscious attitude to learning vocals – all this fosters the ability to focus attention to overcome difficulties, and also increases the level of the emotional life of a person. Active playing music helps to identify new opportunities, brings to the spiritual heights, therefore contributes to the harmonious development of personality. The main elements when participating in a vocal ensemble during art therapy can be considered vocal training and various types of improvisation, in which the inner potential of a person, its capabilities and abilities are revealed.


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Musical art