Dramatic soprano as timbre-kind of role in his refraction in parties lick from "Peak lady" of P.Chaikovskij


  • Nadjezhda Milichenkova




soprano, opera singing, "The Queen of Spades", P.I. Tchaikovsky.


The Purpose given studies is a generalizations material comparatively to timbre expressiveness of vocal  dramatic soprano in his  history genesis from Rossini "made" soprano and in analogies to kind of role of the heroines of the dramatic theatre, as well as analysis to parties lick from "Peak Lady" of P.Chaikovskij as fullnesses of the entailment expressiveness  dramatic soprano in his derivative quality from "Rossini perfection" of soprano expressiveness. The methdological base of the work is intonation approach of the school B.Asafiev  in Ukraine with inherent him linguistics-culturology aspect of the interpretation musicology method, with handhold on analyst-structured principle and handhold on comparative stylistic features, hermeneutics-interpretation forshortening of the music semiotics and the further developments that in work I.Lyashenko, E. Markova, I.Zinkiv, A.Kulijeva, T.Boyarenko and others. Scientific novelty of the work is defined by originality of the understanding to analogies operatic timbre-vоcаl  manifest of chant with scenic-external discovery kind of role in dramatic theatre, in this instance this kind of role dramatic soprano as entailment of the heroic nature. For the first time in ukrainian musicology in specified forshortening is analysed party lick from "Peak Lady" P.Chaikovskij. The Findings.  The analysis to parties lick in "Peak Lady" P.Chaikovskij demonstrates the fullness of the manifestation beside it possibilities dramatic soprano in this parties, where exists introducing the heroic complex "Rossimi voice" in analogies to complex of the heroines in dramatic theatre. Such there is essence to this parties and scenic-behavioural entailment her:  guardian angel fallen choice, acceptance to her Election and faithfulness expiatory martyrdom prove the high moral principle of the interpretation dug.  Kind of role dramatic soprano is realized with handhold on possibility Rоssini made soprano, which symbolized in romantic-realistic opera to XIX   and been born symbolistic drama to XXcenturys typology behaviours-nature, expression which organic united with possibility high vоcаl in manifestation main   of the typology feature of the opera as music drama


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