The subconscious processes of the creative life of the actor in the role


  • Michael Barnych



creative state of the actor, creative activity, psycho-reflexes, the motive of activity, action, subconscious.


Purpose of the article. The research is conditioned by the scientific substantiation and comprehension of the subconscious processes and mechanisms of functioning of the psycho-emotional system of the actor during the performance of the role. The identification of the actor entities that manifest themselves at the level of the subconscious of the actor during the role is not given sufficient attention given the mechanism of their coexistence. Methodology. Methods of analytical and synthetic processing of sources are applied (when studying psychological, special literature on psychophysiology); structural, functional, and typological approaches (when explaining psychological entities and their relationship in the process of acting role). The scientific novelty. The scientific substantiation of subconscious processes and mechanisms of functioning of the psycho-emotional system of the actor during the role is performed for the first time. It is revealed that the process of performing the role and the phenomenon of creating an organic life in it, is due to the psychological state of the split consciousness of the actor on the principle of combining his creative activity with the activity of the character. Conclusions. Given the emotional state of the actor in a creative act outwardly similar to the character of the play, it can be argued that the actor is in the psychological state of the character's activity. His creative activity, as a fact of the external display, is different from his condition, but he functions semi-subconsciously (automatically). This process is twofold because it aims at delimiting thinking on the one hand and finding the actor in a state of experiencing the role on the other. In this regard, the psychological state of the actor in the role can be characterized as "forked". For these reasons, the willful, deliberate act of distinguishing "self" as a subject of creative activity from one's own thought processes in the role may be regarded as a peculiar technique of the psychotechnics.


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Stage art