Directorial reflections concerning Giuseppe Verdi’s opera «Nabucco» in Ukrainian theatres at the end of the XX – beginning of XXI centuries


  • Vasyl Vovkun



Nabucco, Giuseppe Verdi, opera, directing, stage design, theatre, freedom, heroic.


Purpose of Article. The purpose of the article is to analyze the productions of Giuseppe Verdi’s opera «Nabucco» in Ukrainian theatres at the end of the XXth – beginning of XXI centuries. The methodology of the research is based on interdisciplinary approaches, which allow using the achievements of the history of culture, musicology, theatrical, cultural studies, etc. The following methods are used: a comparative method allows  us to compare the set design of the performances and its interpretations in the opera theatres of Ukraine; a historian one helps to analyze the history of the writing of Giuseppe Verdi's «Nabucco»; the method of analysis gives the opportunity to highlight the basic ethical and aesthetic ideas of «Nabucco». Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of the research is the analysis of the main productions of the opera Giuseppe Verdi's opera «Nabucco» in the opera theatres of Ukraine at the end of the XX - beginning of the XXI centuries and their directorial interpretations. Conclusions. Thus, Giuseppe Verdi's «Nabucco» as a militarily-oratorical heroic opera of the national world, which Italians associate with one of the most powerful liberation hymns, is one of the symbols of freedom. Despite its ancient plot, it is relevant to many nations, including the Ukrainian ones. That is why there are many productions of this opera on the stages of Lviv, Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Odesa national operas and the opera theatre in Dnipro.


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Stage art