Script as a literary basis of theatrical forms in pop art


  • Olekciy Starshoy



literary script, pop art, theatrical forms, screenwriter, script plan, script course, culmination.


The purpose of the work is to study the specific features of the script as a literary basis of theatrical forms in pop art, to outline the classification of scripts, to identify the features of their compositional structure, stages of development. The research methodology consists in the application of systematic, functional, art history, comparative and analytical methods of research of the creative work of a specialist on a literary script as a complex, synthesizing basis of theatrical form; in the analysis of the main stages of creation of the scenario of theatrical variety forms; in considering the types of scenarios, construction of their literary material, the principle of classification, the main components of the record and methods of implementation. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the systematization of the main criteria for working on a literary script dramatized in pop art, the conceptuality of all components of literary and screenwriting work and the classification of scripts by material complexity; by subject and content; by means of ideological and emotional expression. Conclusions. As a result, the study found that the literary script is a necessary basis for any theatrical form in pop art, which is built on all the laws of theatrical art. In the course of work on the script it is necessary to follow a consistent scheme of actions, creativity in the development of the script and selection of materials, because the script requires appropriate knowledge of the technology of creating a literary script of theatrical action: ideological and thematic basis, compositional structure, specifics of the script works and recording components. Personal worldview, professional skills and abilities play an important role.


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Stage art