Digital label of communicative culture of XXI century


  • Iryna Kanyukova
  • Evgeniya Sydorovska



The purpose of the article is to identify the features of digital etiquette in the context of modern communicative culture, as well as to determine the specifics of its development as a new form of business etiquette of the XXI century in terms of communicative interaction in the network. Methodology. The method of culturological analysis is applied (for consideration of digital etiquette of business communication as an organic element of spiritual culture and an important component of communicative culture); method of system analysis and synthesis (for consideration of digital etiquette as a part of etiquette culture of the XXI century), typological method (for revealing characteristic features of digital etiquette), method of semantic and pragmatic interpretation (for complex interpretation of the meaning of paralinguistic, verbal, kinetic and material-sign means) digital etiquette), etc. Scientific novelty. The etiquette culture of the virtual space of the network society of the XXI century is studied; the concept of "digital etiquette" is clarified and its differences from "network etiquette" are revealed; the peculiarities of business communication etiquette in the context of specifics of information and communication technologies are analyzed; the prospects of development of etiquette culture according to various directions of digital etiquette are revealed. Conclusions. A digital etiquette is a modern form of business etiquette, the emergence of which is directly related to the active development of technology and the formation of a global network infrastructure. The study found that the development of digital etiquette is fully consistent with the formation of a new social order and a new social culture (digital) as a regulatory and meaning-making component of the network society. Digital etiquette as an important component of the communication culture of the XXI century. which defines the values ​​and standards for participants in network communications at all levels of interaction. At the beginning of the third decade of the XXI century, digital communication is an integral part of business communication, and digital etiquette is an important manifestation of the culture of business communication, the level of which affects various forms of communication processes. In accordance with the specifics of development in digital etiquette, the features of business etiquette of the previous historical period are being transformed and new patterns are formed associated with etiquette as a modern sociocultural phenomenon.




