Formation of socio-cultural traditions in Uzhansk National Nature Park


  • Svitlana Palamarchuk
  • Viktor Byrkovych
  • Iryna Shvets



The purpose of the article is to study the formation of socio-cultural traditions as an effective mechanism through which to preserve the cultural, spiritual, and material experience of previous generations, as well as the reproduction of ethnocultural values ​​in the cultural heritage of society. The methodology consists of the application of general scientific and special research methods. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the study of the formation of socio-cultural traditions on the basis of Uzhansky National Nature Park for the preservation of socio-cultural experience as one of the ways of development of modern society. Conclusions. Given the above, it should be noted that the formation of socio-cultural traditions in the population on the example of Uzhansky National Nature Park, is one of the components of modern cultural development, which plays an important role in preserving the spiritual and material experience of previous generations. Tourist cultural and educational activities are aimed at creating comprehensive conditions for the formation of personality, self-realization of the spiritual potential of man. Socio-cultural traditions are formed not only by the acquisition of historical-cultural experience, but also by modern socio-cultural practices used by people, and the formation of a harmonious society will depend on this.




