Creative individuality of the composer within the Ukrainian scientific discourse


  • Viktoriia Datsenko



The purpose of the article is to reveal the content of the main Ukrainian culturological and art personological concepts and to identify the personal determinants of the composer’s creative personality. The methodology is to apply the personological approach and methodology of culturological and art regionalism as basic for characterizing the personal determinants of the composer’s creative personality, as well as the analytical method for characterizing scientific concepts of Ukrainian scientists in the field of personal art. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the definition of personal parameters in the field of cultural and artistic personology, which are determinants of the composer’s creative personality. Conclusions. In the Ukrainian culturological and art personology the most significant are the scientific developments of V. Batanov, T. Husarchuk, I. Drach, V. Zharkova, O. Komenda, I. Konovalova, N. Savytska, V. Stepurko, S. Tyshko, L. Shapovalova, I. Shestrenko. The works of these researchers lay the foundations for a comprehensive description of the composer’s personality, which allows to create a holistic concept of personal determinants of creative individuality, but they do not pay enough attention to the local context of the life scenario of artists. Among the most important determinants that form the creative individuality of the composer, the epoch and generation to which the artist belongs; features of the deployment of his life scenario; the ratio of extraversion and introversion vectors in the activity complex of the composer; individual musical style, genre priorities and use of the most significant cultural symbols, codes, archetypes; locus as a cultural space in which the life scenario of the artist unfolds are indicated.





Musical art