Creativity of K. Malevich in the context of development of world and domestic art culture


  • Lesia Turchak



The purpose of the article is to establish the contribution of Ukrainian avant-garde artist, pedagogue, theorist Kazymyr Severynovych Malevych to the Ukrainian and world pictorial art. The methodology consists of a range of methods: historical, biographical, theoretical. The abovementioned methodological approach allows studying the question of historical data relating to the events in Ukraine that led to the emigration waves, finding out certain biographical facts and analyzing the artist’s creative activity. The scientific novelty of the research is in establishing Kazymyr Malevych’s contribution to the development of the Ukrainian and world pictorial art. We have studied the special features of his art, theoretical works and teaching activity, as these were an important factor in preserving and popularizing the Ukrainian culture. Conclusions. Malevych’s life and art have become the valuable heritage of the whole world. He influenced the development of visual arts with his activity and personally created direction in abstractionism. Guided by his own research and artistic search, he established a new direction in avant-garde art – suprematism, which became a unique phenomenon for fine art. His style was a major influence for visual arts, architecture and design. Malevych elaborated his own manner of teaching art to students. He was followed by Ukrainian and German constructivists, American minimalists and French abstractionists. His creative ideas are still relevant to this day.




