Role of piano training in a future military conductor’s professional development


  • Ruslana Vavryk



The purpose of the article is to reveal some aspects of the importance of the role of piano training in a future military conductor’s professional development while studying piano works. The research methodology consists of a comparative approach, as well as, empirical and general scientific (analysis, synthesis) methods. Scientific novelty. For the first time, this paper shows the organic relationship between piano training and a future military conductor’s professional development. The poly-functional capabilities of the piano instrument and their influence on the formation of the musical-performing experience of the future conductor are revealed. Conclusions. In the context of a military conductor’s professional development, the author considers the essence and significance of a military conductor’s piano training as an integral part of improving various aspects of performing skills. The specificity and expediency of the didactic repertoire is substantiated, taking into account the functional capabilities of the piano instrument for the development of a future conductor’s musical performance experience, the formation and use of sound extraction techniques, the mastery of the expressive capabilities of the instrument using the entire set of methods and means necessary for the implementation of figurative and artistic intentions and the musical thinking upbringing.





Musical art