Historical aspects of monologue stage speech


  • Olena Kosinova




The purpose of the article is to explore the historical aspects of monologue stage speech as the most difficult type of psychophysical action of the actor. The research methodology involves the use of an integrated approach with the use of analytical, systematic methods, comparative, which allows to distinguish the features of monologue stage speech in the work of the actor. The scientific novelty of the work is to deepen the study of individual acting in the context of the development of monologue speech and analysis of historical aspects of its formation and development in acting. Conclusions. It is emphasized that the masterful performance of monologues from a classical or modern play is a manifestation of the professional creative growth of the actor. Historical digression and research of methods of work on the monologue is an extremely important and useful source of obtaining the right techniques, principles, skills, a way to acquire professional knowledge of monologue stage speech. Text notes of extended monologue speech (if such are sometimes permissible) should be made carefully, carefully, together with the director-producer. It is noted that to master verbal action, its expressive possibilities is the main task, which is always faced by actors and directors of professional and amateur theaters.





Stage art