Musical and theatrical reflection of the creative practice of N.N. Sinelnikov: a cultural dimension


  • Liudmyla Lukasheva
  • Svіtlana Sadovenko



The purpose of the article is to carry out a culturological dimension and define as a synthetic phenomenon the musical-theatrical aspect of the artistic activity of the outstanding actor, director, theater teacher, and entrepreneur Mykola Mykolayovych Sinelnikov (late 19th – early 20th century). The methodology of research is based on the use of a complex of general scientific and specific scientific methods in accordance with the cultural discourse. In order to study the problem in a historical sequence, the historical method was applied. Setting the goal of illumination and analytical measurement of the constituent components of the problem under study, the system-analytical method is applied. The system-structural method is used to study a cultural phenomenon as a system of interrelated and interacting elements. The hermeneutic method is used to study and interpret the theoretical provisions of the problem under study. In order to study the life path of a creative person, illuminate her inner world, and understand the motives of her activity, the biographical method is used. The generalization method was applied to determine the general conclusions of the study. The scientific novelty lies in the musical and theatrical reflection of the creative phenomenon of the outstanding artist-reformer of the late 19th – early 20th centuries Mykola Sinelnikov. Conclusions. Consideration of the issue raised in the article made it possible to state the importance of the presentation of the creative practice of N.N. Sinelnikov as a representative of musical and theatrical syncretism. Research of the phenomenon of N.N. Sinelnikov made it possible to illuminate the system of artistic principles of the creator, which fully corresponded to the nature and content of the modern era. It was determined that the musical and theatrical segments of N.N. Sinelnikov’s works are harmonious integrity, that is, they represent musical and theatrical syncretism.

Keywords: musical and theatrical syncretism, a creative phenomenon, syncretism, cultural studies, theater, music, musical and theatrical reflection, socio-cultural space.




