Biography in the aspect of cultural communication of an artist and audience




The purpose of the article is to reveal the communicative potential of the master's biography, to prove its influence on the cultural dialogue between humanity and the achievements of the artist. The research methodology is to apply a number of approaches: analytical – to comprehend the literature on the topic of the article; interdisciplinary - for a comprehensive study of factual material and in obtaining new knowledge; systemic using a whole range of methods (biographical, semiotic, culturological, hermeneutic, historical, theoretical generalization) – comprehending the stated quest, etc. Scientific novelty – for the first time in the national humanities, biography is explained as the way of civilizational contact between the creator and the public, the translator of the most important meanings of the era. Conclusions. The publication states that the artist's biography is an important component of the communicative space of nowadays. It embodies the anthropological dimensions of history, the worldview of the day through the coverage of the hero's life, his significant achievements. The author of the chronicles builds the life strategy of the master in such a way that he becomes clear to the recipients of any period. An analysis of the chronicle reveals the richness of symbolic forms of cultural contact associated with works of art, epoch-making features and social circumstances, and so on. In unity, they affect the perception of the artist's image. This process is carried out by the public as a result of decoding spiritual information in accordance with existing norms, traditions of a particular time, awareness of the existential and creative experience of the character. Biography as a means of communication demonstrates freedom from ideological, social limitations, as it allows communication of individuals of different eras, removes territorial, speech, social, and others barriers. Due to their ability to embody the universal concepts of civilization, the chronicles express not only the story of the artist, but also allow the modern recipient to express himself. Thus the listener (viewer) through the biography is in contact with the master, his time, humanity.

Keywords: biography, cultural communication, artist, audience.





Musical art