Features of the Ukrainian performing school of opera in the context of the evolution of European traditions





The purpose of the study is to consider, analyze the features and main aspects related to the development of the Ukrainian performing school of opera in the context of the evolution of European traditions. Methodology. Leading research methods are historical-genetic, comparative, methods of genre and stylistic analysis, and the method of performance analysis. Scientific novelty. The article examines the main aspects, characteristics, and methodological principles of Ukrainian and European musicology, which opened new opportunities for a more complete, unbiased study of the path that had to overcome the national music culture, opera. Conclusions. As conclusions of the research results, we can say that a detailed study and study of the history, present, and trends of national music culture contributes to the development of modern performance. Absolutization of the research approach can lead to significant losses in the scientific interpretation and interpretation of artistic trends and even certain distortions in the creation of a holistic view of musical processes.

Keywords: performing school, opera art, musical art, musical culture, Ukrainian music.






Musical art