Romeo Castellucci – an apologist for postdramatic theater




The purpose of the article. To analyze the early performances directed by R. Castellucci, to explore the main features of his directing method, and on the basis of the analysis to identify the characteristics of post-dramatic theater in his work. The methodology applies a textual method for the elaboration of the conceptual apparatus of post-dramatic theater. The apply a hermeneutic method and the method of stylistic analysis allow to study the performances that represent the main artistic trends in the directing of R. Castellucci of the late ХХ century. The scientific novelty lies in understanding the creative pursuits of R. Castellucci, in the aesthetics of post-dramatic theater. For the first time, his performances are analyzed and their affiliation to the post-dramatic theater is classified based on the conceptual and categorical apparatus formed by scientists. Conclusions. R. Castellucci's early directorial works are characterized by performativity, imagery, visuality, distancing from text-centrism, which dominates in dramatic theater and rethinking the meaning of the word as a vestige of dramatic performance. These features of the director's method give the right to define him as an exponent of ideas of post-dramatic theater.

Keywords: Romeo Castellucci, post-dramatic theater, performance, visuality.





Stage art