Ukrainian musical theater in the age of changes in art values




The purpose of the article is due to the need to study modern directing approaches to solve the production of opera performances in terms of the values of the XXI century. The research methodology is based on the basic principles of modern historical and theoretical musicology with the use of intonation-dramaturgical, comparative methods, and the method of theoretical generalization, which allow comprehension of the trends of the work of the modern opera director. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that this is the first analytical study of the state of the Ukrainian musical opera theater in terms of changes in values in art. Conclusions. Changes in the repertoire policy of today's Ukrainian musical theater under the influence of world globalization and integration processes are considered. The content of directorial interpretations of musical and theatrical works as an artistic product is comprehended. The ways of optimization of cognitive and entertaining aspects of musical performances in the conditions of modern socio-cultural realities are revealed and substantiated. New opera productions of recent years, which are representatives of general trends in the development of musical theater, are analyzed. It is proved that the Ukrainian musical theater is actively developing in the opera genre, accumulating both the heritage of the past and applying new experimental techniques.

Key words: Ukrainian musical theater, modern values, modern opera, art product, director 's interpretation.





Musical art