Style paradigm of the Transcarpathian composer school




The purpose of the article is to determine the aesthetic and stylistic foundations of the Transcarpathian composer school, to comprehend the mental archetypes embodied in the heritage of artists of the XX-beginning of the XXI century. The research methodology includes methods of induction, deduction, comparative analysis, stylistic, hermeneutic, and intertextual analysis. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time the Transcarpathian composer school is comprehended as a systemic phenomenon in its historical parallels, the most important features of its stylistic specificity are revealed. The aesthetic patterns of the formation of the artists' worldview, the measure and quality of hereditary and contextual links between different generations of composers are traced, the genre spectrum of creativity is determined and the specifics of the embodiment of the sound archetype of the Earth are considered. Conclusions. The Transcarpathian composer school is not a purely local concept, but an integral artistic phenomenon, marked by a number of stable and mobile features. The main factors of its style-formation are the picture of the world, mentality, polyethnicity, and the historical background of the era. The conceptual basis of the creative activity of local composers is the artistic generalization of the polyethnic folklore heritage of the region. This is largely due to unfavorable socio-historical conditions when folk art itself was the only means of resisting the denationalization of the country people. Consequently, folk song art has become an integral part of the musical language of every Transcarpathian composer as a means of embodying the ethic and aesthetic ideals of the small motherland. This turned out to be at different levels: the content side of music, depending on the peculiarities of national thinking, the semantics of traditional genres, modal-tone constructions, and rhythmic formulas and methods for the development of the thematic invention.

Key words: Transcarpathian composer school, mentality, archetype, folklore, ethno-characteristic, polyethnicity.





Musical art