Stage word in the Ivan Franko theater in the context of the historical and cultural process




The purpose of the article of the work is to highlight the stages of evolution of the Ukrainian scenic word in the Ivan Franko Theater in the context of the historical and cultural process from the 1920s to the present and to analyze the features of the artistic direction "socialist realism" and his influence on the scenic word. The research methodology consists in using the method of historical retrospection to analyze the scenic word in the acting works of the Ivan Franko’s Theater from the 1920s till the presenttimes; the culturological method is used to study the influence of state ideology on the socio-cultural environment through the scenic word; the using of the art-historical method makes it possible to analyze the creative work of directors in certain cultural and political realities. The scientific novelty lies in a comprehensive study of the main stages of the evolution of the scenic word in the Ivan Franko Theater during its existence on the example of acting works in dramatic and musical performances, as well as in studying the influence of the domestic historical and cultural process on the scenic word. Conclusions. The artistic policy of G. Yura at the Ivan Franko Theater in the first decades of its existence. is examined. The influence of the ideology of the communist party on the domestic theatrical process is revealed. The peculiarities of artistic direction "socialistic realism" and its influence on the scenic word at Ivan Franko Theatre on the example of actor's work were analyzed. The article considers the scenic word in the musical performances at the Ivan Franko theater in the context of historical and cultural processes.

Keywords: scenic word, culture, ideology, socialist realism, Ivan Franko theatre, G. Yura, musical, rock opera





