Development and popularization of cultural and artistic activity in the National academy of culture and arts management (results of a sample survey of experts, managers, specialists, and artists of the NACAM)




The purpose of the article is to characterize the main bottlenecks in the field of culture and arts, and trends in the development of artistic and cultural activities in higher education institution National Academy of Culture and Arts Management. The methodology consists of the application of the survey method, descriptive method, methods of functional and definitive analysis, formalization in the survey process, and registration of its results. The scientific novelty is the set of plans, opinions, and recommendations for solving problematic aspects, development, and promotion of activities in the fields of culture and arts, in particular, the National Academy of Culture and Arts Management, expressed by well-known managers, specialists, artists in the fields of culture and arts. Conclusions: National Academy of Culture and Arts Management is one of the leading art institutions of higher education, which has a strong scientific, managerial, artistic, artistic, and technological potential, has available material and technical resources, at a professional level conducts comprehensive artistic and cultural activities, accompanied by gradual transformation operating system of the institution in the direction of creating innovative, commercial tools, departments and other tools for the development of artistic and cultural activities of the institution. In particular, it is planned to organize a concert-touring group of National Academy of Culture and Arts Management; hold the All-Ukrainian Festival of Ukrainian Contemporary Song based on the Institution of Higher Education; to carry out active informational, communication, partnership, popularization activity of art goods of the Institution of Higher Education. All respondents emphasize the importance of strengthening institutional communication in the fields of culture and the arts at all levels, especially at the level of cooperation between the senior government in the sector.

Key words: activity in the fields of culture and arts, institutions of higher education, National Academy of Management of Culture and Arts




