Conceptual constructions of the term “creativity” in the cultural aspect




The purpose of the article is to carry out a categorical and conceptual analysis of the concept of “creativity”, to reveal its essence of interpretation and to analyze scientific views on this phenomenon in cultural discourse. The research methodology is based on the application of dialectical and logical approaches and theoretical general scientific methods, which allowed to carry out a detailed categorical and conceptual analysis of the concept of “creativity” in the cultural direction. The scientific novelty is related to the definition of scientific and theoretical approaches of scientists to understand the essence of the concept of “creativity” in the cultural aspect, as well as proposed the proper interpretation of the phenomenon under study in the modern cultural space. Conclusions. As a result of the categorical and conceptual analysis of the term “creativity” and a thorough understanding of the scientific and theoretical approaches of scientists on the phenomenon under study allowed to reveal its essence and propose its own definition in the cultural direction. Therefore, in our opinion, creativity appears as a complex process of realizing the subject, which realizes practically sensual experiences acquired by the individual intuitively, which is a consequence of the synthesizing capacity of the individual in the universal sense. Prospects for further research require the solution of issues that correlate with projections of creative self-realization of the artist in the modern socio-cultural space.

Key words: creativity, creative potential of personality, artist, creatively gifted personality, giftedness, socio-cultural space.





