Role of Blogs in the Representation of Modern Ukrainian Song




The purpose of the article is to determine the role of blogs in the spread of the modern Ukrainian song as a cultural phenomenon (the case study of the song "Stefania" by "Kalush Orchestra" band). The research methodology involves the use of methods of observation, comparison, analysis, and synthesis. The scientific novelty of the work is that for the first time an attempt was made to determine the role of blogs in the promotion of the modern Ukrainian song culture. Conclusions. Modern Ukrainian song is of scientific interest as a phenomenon of national mass culture and is relevant as a culturological phenomenon of the Ukrainian society, which affects not only the Ukrainian consumer, but also representatives of other nations. Today, the Internet environment itself contributes to its dissemination, in particular, blogs of various kinds, which are a means of establishing intercultural communication in the modern global world, conveying important moral and ethical messages to the world community.

Key words: blog, blogosphere, mass musical consciousness, modern Ukrainian song, Eurovision Song Contest, "Stefania" song by "Kalush Orchestra" band.





