Evolution of Effective Scenography in the Work of Representatives of Danylo Lider’s School (the end of the 20th – the beginning of the 21st century)





The purpose of the work is to highlight and characterise the features of the evolution of effective scenography in the work of representatives of Danylo Lider’s Ukrainian school of scenography. The research methodology consists in the application of the functional-typological method, which helped to determine the functions of scenography and identify the specifics of their synthesis in effective scenography; art history method aimed at theoretical, historical-artistic, and applied understanding of scenographic work of D. Lider, its role in the work of his students – masters of modern performing arts; method of figurative-stylistic and artistic-compositional for analysis of performances and theoretical substantiation of tendencies in theatrical and decorative art of scenographers of Ukrainian theatres at the end of XX – beginning of XXI century, as descendants of artistic and scenographic creativity of D. Lider); structural-typological method to identify and analyse the main modifications of the development of scenographic vocabulary on theatrical stages of today. The novelty of the study is to identify the characteristic features of the work of representatives of the school of scenography D. Lider; analysis of the development of their own creative handwriting in a single aesthetic, laid down by D. Lider and within the postulates of his creative work. Conclusions. As a result of the analysis of the research it can be concluded that according to the extraordinary diversity of modern Ukrainian theatre, representatives of D. Lider’s school of scenography use in their work a variety of forms, techniques, and methods, considering both modern trends and national traditional motifs to develop their individual style. The School of Ukrainian Scenography, founded by Danylo Lider, is positioned by its representatives as an opportunity to build their own original world on the fundamental principles of the traditions established by the master. The aesthetics of the artist and his postulates of creativity have become a kind of framework within which the creative personalities of his students have been evolving, although some lines and lines of borrowing of the master's productions are quite noticeable.

Key words: Danylo Lider, theatre, scenography, effective scenography, theatrical and decorative art, scenographic vocabulary.





Stage art