The Concept of Cultural Creativity in the Context of Event Industry Development


  • Olga Zasyadvovk



The purpose of the article is to study the content of the concept of cultural creativity as an integral component of the event industry development. Research methodology. To achieve the research purpose, a systemic and cultural approach, methods of analysis, synthesis, deduction, comparison, and functional were applied, which allowed a comprehensive analysis of the concept of culture creation in the context of the dynamics of modern event industries. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the theoretical generalisation of the concept of culture creation in the development of the modern event industry as a sphere of creative economy and cultural practice from the perspective of the cultural approach. Conclusions. The development of the economy in the post-industrial information society and the dynamics of modern mass culture, combined with the latest cultural practices, have led to the formation of a creative environment in various spheres of human activity, where the factor of cultural creation plays a significant role as a generator of innovativeness in professional activity. As of today, the sphere of culture and art, which generates value content capable of influencing the spiritual component of society, and the sphere of economy and business, which represents the efficient production of goods and services aimed at meeting various needs of society, are in active interaction, where the economy has transformed into a "creative economy", ("economy of impressions"), in which creativity is the key resource. At the present stage, the event industry acts as a tool for the formation of social relations not only through symbolic involvement, but also creates certain forms of social relations between participants, activating the collective consciousness through the manifestations of feelings of belonging and interconnection with different social groups, and society as a whole.

Key words: culture and creativity, event industry, creative industries, creative economy, creation, cultural dynamics, society..




