Influence of Modern Digital Technologies on Fine Arts


  • Oleh Yaseniev



The purpose of the article is to identify the influence of modern digital technologies on the creation of works of fine art. The research methodology is the application of general scientific and special research methods determined by the artistic paradigm. The scientific novelty of the study lies in understanding the specifics of creating works of fine art with the help of modern digital technologies, taking into account their interactivity, network communication, and virtuality. The conducted analysis shows the rapid spread of digital technologies and the expansion of the artistic orientation in the creative activity of artists, which has led to the formation of a new generation of digital art consumers and is one of the important areas of research into the current transformations taking place in the field of culture and art. Conclusions. Digital technologies and fine arts are undoubtedly in constant dynamic development and interaction today, and are actively used by artists in their work. Digital technologies are a means of modelling and demonstrating laws and the basis of artistic, scientific, and technical creativity, which significantly affect the formation of form, ensuring the composition and perception of the work and are one of the means of creating the latest works of fine art. With the help of digital technologies, artists manage to convey more accurately the idea of the work, make it understandable to the maximum number of viewers. Moreover, it is important to note that it is not entirely correct to determine the value of works of fine art created by traditional or digital means. A contemporary artist determines the means of creating the work itself (using the traditional means of pencil and brush, or using a sequence of sticks and zeros), and there is also the possibility of combining traditional art with technological innovations. The author emphasises that artificial intelligence in terms of independent creation of works of fine art today looks too bold and very controversial.

Key words: fine art, digital technologies, modern art, artificial intelligence.





Art, decorative art, restaurant