Choreographical Culture of Ukraine and Creativity of Radu Poklitaru in Theoretical Discourse


  • Svitlana Sadovenko



The purpose of the article is to study the Ukrainian choreographic culture in the field of theoretical developments with a focus on the work of Radu Poklitaru and his theatre. The research methodology is based on the application of general scientific methods, namely, systematic analysis, which allowed for an analytical review of the problems of contemporary choreography in Ukraine and the world and to study the contribution of Ukrainian choreographers to the process of formation and development of choreographic culture and art in Ukraine. The outline of time dimensions, substantiation of internal correlations and transformations in the development of contemporary choreography required the use of comparative historical and chronological methods. The method of structural-functional analysis helped to identify specific aspects of the functioning of contemporary dance in the cultural space. Comparative analysis was used to justify changes in the classical art of dance and to prioritise traditions or innovations. The cultural approach was used to analyse the process in question and to determine its role in the overall cultural and artistic process. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the hermeneutic interpretation and generalisation of the significant contribution of Ukrainian artists to the development of choreographic culture and art, in particular, contemporary dance, on the example of Radu Poklitaru’s work and the proof that Ukrainian choreographic culture and art correlate with global processes, being determined by cultural and social factors. Conclusions. On the basis of the scientific and theoretical analysis, it has been determined that Ukrainian choreographic culture is actively studied at the theoretical level by choreographers (O. Gres, Y. Kovalenko, A. Korol, M. Korostyliova, A. Pidlypska, O. Plakhotniuk, M. Pohrebniak, D. Sharykov, E. Yanina-Ledovska) and art historians (O. Afonina, I. Horbunova, I. Drach, O. Zavialova, H. Polianska, Yu. Stanishevskyi, O. Chepalov). The main areas of research of scholars are contemporary dance, postmodern aesthetics, which influences the development of choreographers' thoughts, appeal to the reinterpretation of the classics. This is evidenced by the creative work of Radu Poklitaru, a prominent representative of choreographic culture and art. His ballets are considered in the scientific discourse of modern dance, contemporary choreography in Ukraine and the world in terms of his contribution to this process and the development of choreographic art and culture.

Key words: choreography, dance, ballet, theatre, performing arts, postmodernism, choreographic culture, Radu Poklitaru.




