Actor’s Skill as Means of Developing Child's Personality: Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Teaching


  • Olena Abramovich
  • Khrystyna Delin



The purpose of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of teaching acting skills in children's theatre groups and to determine promising directions for improving the methodology at the current stage, to consider the specifics of the system of artistic and aesthetic education and artistic and creative activities of theatre groups for children. The research methodology consists in the application of a typological method aimed to identify and define the features of acting skills in the context of teaching in amateur theatre groups for children; a comparative method to conduct a comparative analysis of approaches to teaching acting skills in theatre groups; evolutionary method for considering the dynamics of the development of the methodology of teaching acting skills in theatre groups for children in the context of the peculiarities of socio-cultural space of the second half of the 20th - the beginning of the 21st century; method of systematic analysis and synthesis, due to which the teaching of acting skills in children's theatre groups was considered as part of modern theatre pedagogy. The novelty of the research is in the conducted comprehensive study of the peculiarities of teaching acting skills in children's theatre groups at the current stage. Conclusions. Theatre art, like other forms of art, is a form of social consciousness. Historically, its development is inseparable from the development of society, from culture in general. Currently, there are a large number of theatre communities in Ukraine. These groups are engaged in the artistic and aesthetic education of the younger generation outside the secondary school, such theatre groups are organised in the Houses of children's and youth creativity, youth theatres, Houses of culture, theatre and folklore groups. In Ukraine, modern theatre pedagogy and creative practice are based on stage theory, methods, and artistic techniques developed by leading foreign and domestic theatre actors of the 20th century.

Key words: acting skills, children's theatre groups, child's creative abilities, teaching methods, actor.





Stage art