Role of Folk and Author’s Dolls in Intercultural Communication


  • Svitlana Sobolievska



The purpose of the article is to find out the role of folk and author's dolls in intercultural communication. The research methodology in the cultural discourse is based on the comparative method for comparing the peculiarities of using folk and author's dolls in the dialogue of cultures, the method of comparative analysis for systematising information about dolls from different nations of the world, and the method of generalisation for forming the conclusions of the article. The scientific novelty. The classification of the main folk and author's dolls is supplemented to study the role of the doll in intercultural interaction in different countries of the world, and it is found out how exhibitions of folk and author's dolls promote intercultural communication. Conclusions. It has been found that the author's doll is a reflection of the author's worldview and his/her interpretation of the world. In turn, the folk doll as a part of the cultural heritage of a particular nation and a national and cultural symbol contributes to the realisation of one's own national identity in intercultural communication. As a result, both folk and author's dolls can become intermediaries in the dialogue of cultures during exhibitions and contribute to the preservation of national cultural values.

Keywords: author's doll, dialogue of cultures, cultural values, intercultural communication, folk doll.




