Value Properties of Modern Event Practice in Scientific and Practical Discourse


  • Olga Zasyadvovk



The purpose of the article is to investigate scientific approaches to the understanding of value properties and their practical manifestation in the organisation and conduct of modern event practice. Research methodology. To achieve the goal, general scientific principles of systematisation and generalisation of the outlined problem were used, namely, the manifestation of valuable properties in modern event practices. The use of such methods helped to distinguish and scientifically substantiate scientific discourses to understand the meaning of the concept of "value properties". The purpose and objectives of the article determined the application of an axiological approach, which allowed revealing the interdisciplinary nature of the considered theories to the understanding of value approaches in practical scientific discourse. The use of the analytical method enabled revealing the conceptual principles regarding further cultural perspectives of understanding the phenomenon of values, their properties in practical manifestation during the organisation and conduct of modern event practices. The scientific novelty lies in the discovery of the phenomenon of prioritising the value properties of modern event practices. Conclusions. The article proves that the professionally planned thematic orientation of modern event practice allows ensuring a variety of human values, from individual to national. Organisers of modern event practices face the task of clearly understanding the value properties of the event they are creating, their dominant priority. The algorithm of actions when conducting various events should take into account national value guidelines for various target audiences, which include mastery of the Ukrainian language, patriotic self-awareness, honour, dignity, respectful attitude to national and state symbols, preservation of cultural traditions of the Ukrainian people and promotion regarding their popularisation throughout the world. Therefore, modern event practice should take into account the value priorities of Ukraine's development. The valuable property of modern event practice should be determined through the mission, goals and objectives, which should be clearly defined and understood. Freedom, goodness, peace, honour and dignity, patriotism, courage and trust should become an integral element of the cultural effectiveness of modern event practice. The professionally oriented value property of the event-practice will ensure its highly effective potential in ensuring cultural rights and human freedoms. The priority of the scientific understanding of the value properties of event-practices in modern cultural knowledge has been theoretically proven.

Keywords: value, value issues, event practice, value properties, value orientations.




