Methodology of the value coordinate approach in the model of alternative understanding of consciousness


  • Valeriy Sivers



The purpose of the article is to highlight the main substantive elements of the value coordinate approach, which, in turn, can be regarded as a unifying philosophical and natural science principle of seeing the essence of consciousness in connection with the recognition of the need to expand the boundaries of its study and also unambiguously reveals the value character and dialectic of interaction of its structural vectors (coordinates) as a way of forming inner experience or a hard problem of consciousness, as formulated by David Chalmers. The research methodology is, in addition to the universal general philosophical method of dialectics, cultural, axiological, historical and comparative approaches, the coordinate approach itself, which is stated in the title, the essence and directions of application of which are revealed in the sources cited in the bibliography sources and in the text of the article. The scientific novelty lies in the definition, substantiation, and presentation of the main provisions of the value coordinate approach, which reveals the dialectic of interaction of its structural vectors (coordinates) as a way of forming inner experience that can be used as a theoretical basis for the formation of an alternative model of consciousness. Conclusions. The article substantiates the understanding of supervenience as a certain correspondence between processes in the brain with an extremely broad understanding of the phenomenon of consciousness itself, which is nevertheless opaque. This opacity is the result of the absolutisation of the cognitive axis of value coordinates. At the same time, taking into account the historical epistemological dynamics, the modern field of consciousness in its integrity, in addition to the epistemological dimension dominant in the human being, should include moral and aesthetic coordinates. This is the essence of the coordinate approach. That is, in order to understand consciousness in general, which is what a human being is trying to achieve, its supervenience on the brain must take into account its specificity in the human form. The adoption of this approach is based on an understanding of the distribution of energy in the picture of human perception in the form of value, mental, cultural and physical energy. Moreover, the closer a modern person is on the coordinate axis to describing the image of reality in the mind in terms of value energy, the more abstract, that is saturated with the energy of speculative meanings, the picture of reality itself becomes, but this is precisely the condition for the free interaction of these meanings in the human mind. Based on the idea of the coordinate approach, the action of value energy on the stage of the individual's consciousness in each individual case is a recognition of the unique dynamic unity of the field of inner experience the hard problem of consciousness and the coincidence with it in the focus of the person's self-consciousness on the verge of their external perception. On this single boundary, first, the formation of a picture of the world of each individual occurs. Second, there is an attempt to interfere with the method of human cognition purely from the standpoint of the epistemological coordinate in the formation of a transparent model of seeing consciousness as such – that is, an unconscious attempt to distort the picture of consciousness in the epistemological paradigm. Finally, the transformation of the real flow of value energy in two directions – internal and external. As a result of the intersection of external and internal energy flows, the desired picture of inner experience is either enriched and expanded, namely the scene of consciousness, or, if it is an outpouring of transformed value energy to the outside, there is a meeting with the active factors of the scene of consciousness – the outside world, where the energy flow itself appears in the form of phenomena of the physical world. In this form, consciousness is studied (and each time it is more and more deeply detailed) by traditional science.





