Features of Spain's Foreign Cultural Policy


  • Liudmyla Doskich




The purpose of the study is to determine the conceptual features of Spain's foreign cultural policy based on the analysis of legal documents and communication activities of cultural institutions. Research methodology. The most important results were the generalisation and systematisation of facts based on various documents, the study of which was carried out with the help of cognitive and content analysis. The institutional and communication approach helped to consider the system of foreign cultural diplomacy based on the presentation of the activities of a number of relevant organizations using the structural-functional method. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the analysis of the experience of Spain's implementation of the main principles of foreign cultural policy. Conclusions. Currently, in relation to foreign cultural policy, Spain adheres to European principles: the country has a fairly developed legal framework and an effective mechanism for promoting its culture. The Spanish experience in the implementation of cultural policy is not unique, but it can be considered successful, in particular with regard to the creation of separate institutions, the main activity of which is aimed exclusively at promoting information about the country, its history, culture, and language. Official documents outline the significance of the country's foreign cultural policy as an independent direction of activity. The analysis of documents also makes it possible to follow the evolution in the implementation of cultural policy and its impact on various spheres of society, the effectiveness and success of its provisions. The stages of the formation of the cultural sector as an independent one, in accordance with the adopted documents and the activities of the institutions, testify to the relationship between them and the continuity of the principles on which they are based.





