Heroisation as a phenomenon of modern media cultur


  • Oleh Holoborodko




The purpose of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of the phenomenon of heroisation based on the analysis of the theoretical and practical discourse of modern media culture. Research methodology. The method of theoretical research, analytical method, terminological analysis method, structural-functional method, phenomenological method have been applied. Scientific novelty. Heroisation as a phenomenon of modern media culture has been studied. The understanding of the heroic in the Ukrainian media culture of the beginning of the 21st century has been updated. On the basis of the analysis of the theoretical and practical discourse, characteristic features of heroisation in media culture have been revealed. The stages and strategies of heroisation have been analysed, while the place and role of the subjects of heroisation have been considered. Conclusions. Characteristic of the process of heroisation is the attribution of specific heroic qualities to the heroised figure and with reference to achievements, attitudes, or actions. Attribution and media communication of heroic deeds or heroic qualities is usually implemented by means of "heroic media narrative". The subjects of the heroisation process are the hero himself, thier supporters or opponents, and the audience watching the heroisation. In modern theoretical discourse, different phases of heroisation are distinguished: the initial approval of the hero; a phase of positive (in the form of admiration and respect) or negative (rejection and demonisation) resonance; the consolidation phase through cultural practices; deheroisation, which includes all processes that lead to the loss or deprivation of the status of a hero. Typical strategies of heroisation in media culture are peripetia, agony, anthropomorphisation, and concentration of action, as well as a number of strategies based on heroic semantics specific to a certain period and culture.





