NFT as a current component of modern cultural and art space


  • Kostiantyn Ishchenko



The purpose of the article is to analyse the main stages of formation and features of NFT with a projection on their use in the cultural and artistic environment. The research methodology is based on the use of a number of methods and approaches, which, taking into account the interdisciplinary nature of the problem, are integrated from art history, history, information technology. In addition, general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, generalisation are applied. The scientific novelty consists in an attempt to substantiate the relevance of the use of NFT (non-fungible tokens) for the preservation of cultural values, the authorship of artistic works and creative industries. Conclusions. Technologies related to digitisation, virtual reality, artificial intelligence significantly affect changes in research and creative practices. The growing number of initiatives, services and applications arising at the intersection of the latest technologies and art motivates to study and discuss the creative potential of ICT in the context of culture and art. An important component of modern cultural, artistic, and economic processes is the implementation of NFT in the Metauniverse. NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), which are mostly encoded on the blockchain, are a distributed ledger technology related not only to cryptocurrencies, but also to the rapidly growing field of artistic entrepreneurship. The complex of blockchains and the decentralisation of their potential activates questions of strategy and the opportunities they open up for artists and creative industries. NFT is primarily an opportunity for everyone to become a participant and manager of a new cultural and artistic reality, which is characterised by global trends and local features of the production, development, popularisation, and circulation of cultural values. NFT-marketplaces play an important role in the circulation of digital cultural assets and are of particular importance for the formation and functioning of the cultural and artistic space, in particular, of Ukraine. This raises important issues of managing a technology that requires expertise in cryptography, coding, and the creation of legislation for its implementation.






Art, decorative art, restaurant