Modern Popular Estrada Music in Ukraine: on the Issue Of Definition and Genre and Stylistic Connotations


  • Olga Sapozhnik



The purpose of the article is to conduct a theoretical analysis of scientific literature on the problem under study, to reveal the historical-theoretical, musical-aesthetic, and genre-stylistic aspects of the development of Ukrainian popular estrada music from the standpoint of artistic traditions and innovations, to scientifically outline the terminological field regarding the definition of "modern popular estrada music". Research methodology is based on the use of dialectical methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalisation regarding the definition of the terminological field in relation to modern popular pop music, genre, and style samples of the existence of this musical direction in Ukraine. The presentation of the material combines cultural-art, aesthetic-psychological, and musical-pedagogical approaches to the concretisation of the genre variety, stylistic features, modification forms of existence of the Ukrainian layer of modern popular pop music and its enculturation into the world musical space. Scientific novelty of the research. An attempt is made to systematise the scientific, art criticism, and journalistic source base on the definition of the concept of "modern popular estrada music"; the conceptual and categorical apparatus has been clarified, the terminology of "modern popular estrada music" has been substantiated; the essence, content and structural components of musical and aesthetic self-expression of young people in the system of art education are characterised. The genre varieties, stylistic features, modification forms of existence of the Ukrainian layer of modern popular pop music are specified. Conclusions. As a result of the study, the terminology of “modern popular pop music” is scientifically substantiated, it is found that modern popular pop music directly affects the formation and development of worldview, value-oriented, socio-cultural positions of youth in the sphere of its life. It is the most popular and accessible means of musical and aesthetic development and self-expression and has the highest rating among young people, since the democratic nature of its functioning in the youth environment actualises and determines the development of the aesthetic sphere of a young person, especially in the period of early adolescence.






Musical art