Vocal and romance creativity of Ukrainian composers in the style dimensions of the Era: Mykhailo Skorulsky


  • Oleksandr Stakhevych




The purpose of the article is to highlight the vocal-romance creativity of the outstanding Ukrainian composer of the first half of the 20th century Mykhailo Skorulskyi in the context of genre-style transformations and artistic challenges of the time. The methodological basis. A complex of scientific (theoretical and practical) methods is used to reveal the topic. To find out certain stages and features of the development of the romance genre in the work of M. Skorulskyi, biographical, historical-cultural and interdisciplinary methods were used. Providing a historically objective assessment of the composer’s chamber-vocal legacy became possible thanks to historical-comparative, systematic, axiological research methods. Establishing the specificity of the artist’s romance work was carried out with the help of music-theoretical analysis. Scientific novelty of the article. For the first time in Ukrainian musicology, the stylistic evolution of chamber-vocal genres in Ukrainian music of the first half of the 20th century was considered, using the example of Mykhailo Skorulskyi’s vocal-romance work. The stages are highlighted, the emotional and figurative sphere of the artist’s romance works is highlighted. Conclusions of the work. The stylistic transformations of M. Skorulskyi’s work as a composer in the genre of romance were determined both by the “internal” needs of the artist regarding the content, emotional content and figurative structure of the works, and by “external” – the influence of socio-political circumstances and ideological requirements of the Soviet culture of the 1920s and 1930s. The compositional evolution of M. Skorulskyi’s romance work reflects all stages of the development of the genre during the first half of the 20th century: from the subjectivist lyrics of the beginning of the century, through the heroic-revolutionary motifs of the 1920s and early 1930s, to nostalgic feelings and patriotic sentiments during the Second World War.






Musical art