Evolution of Piano Education in China: Analysis of Socio-Cultural Impact and Prospects for Development


  • Yi Syun




The purpose of the study is to deeply analyse the evolution of piano education in China, identify its influence on the cultural landscape, and uncover prospects for future development. It highlights crucial aspects of the interaction between art and society, while also revealing factors determining the success of piano education in the contemporary world with consideration of cultural heritage. The research methodology is based on a comprehensive approach, incorporating historical comparative-typological, musicological, and interdisciplinary research methods. It involves a profound analysis of historical and contemporary sources, utilising a holistic socio-cultural approach. The author employs socio-cultural analysis methods, meticulously examining the impact of piano education on Chinese society and its cultural landscape. Additionally, success factors in this field are taken into account to determine key elements contributing to its effectiveness. In terms of scientific novelty, the article not only systematically examines key developmental stages, such as the establishment of private music schools and exchanges in the pedagogical-artistic vector, but also introduces a novel comprehensive socio-cultural analysis. This analysis is aimed at a meticulous study of the impact of piano education on the cultural landscape of China. The conclusions of the article highlight transformations in the perception and utilisation of the piano in China, particularly in the 21st century, where piano education has evolved into an effective business segment, fostering not only the development of musical literacy, but also the shaping of the country's cultural identity. The study underscores the importance of systematic observation of the dynamics of piano education development and consideration of its impact on the cultural landscape to preserve traditions in the modern world.






Musical art