Evolution of Chinese Instrumental and Performing School of the 20th – Early 21st Century


  • Sisi Zhu




The purpose of the work is to determine the prerequisites and evolutionary processes of the development of the instrumental and performing school in China in the 20th – early 21st centuries. Research methods are based on cultural, historical, comparative approaches based on the principles of knowledge of nature and society. The scientific novelty consists in determining the prerequisites and development of the instrumental and performing school in China, as well as comparing the genres and features of their interaction, which contributed to the formation of new forms of music making. Conclusions. Based on the historical and musicological analysis of the evolution of instrumental and performing arts in China in the 20th and early 21st centuries, it is stated that the development of the phenomenon under study is inseparable from a comprehensive artistic process that covers the entire range of existing genres and forms. At the beginning of the 21st century, Chinese musical culture in general, and its instrumental and performing segment in particular, became an integral part of global musical development, influencing the course of evolution of world musical art. The conducted analysis made it possible to state the rapid growth of all aspects of the instrumental and performing school of the People's Republic of China, the powerful strengthening of the material base, the expansion of the field of education and popularisation of music, the improvement of the quality of training of performing personnel both in China and through the training of Chinese musicians abroad.






Musical art