Cultural diplomacy in the conditions of global development of societies


  • Volodymyr Drach



The purpose of the article is to consider the phenomenon of cultural diplomacy in the context of globalization and global development of societies. The research methodology involves the application of a systemic approach and the use of such scientific methods as culturological, synergistic, analytical, comparative, which will provide a holistic consideration of the given problem from the perspective of cultural knowledge. The scientific novelty consists in summarizing the theoretical justification and significance of cultural diplomacy as a component of the subsystem of culture and international activity and an effective mechanism of intercultural communication in the conditions of global development of societies; highlighting the role of information technologies in the system of international influences with the help of a cultural component and forming the country's image and cultural brand on this basis. Conclusions. Cultural diplomacy is an important tool for building strong international ties and promotes the development of mutual understanding and cooperation between countries. In the conditions of global development of societies, its importance will only grow, opening up new opportunities for cultural exchange and preservation of cultural diversity. In the future, cultural diplomacy will play an even more important role in the conditions of globalization. Technological innovations such as digital platforms and virtual reality can become new tools for cultural exchange. In addition, the importance of creative industries, which can contribute to the strengthening of cultural diplomacy, is growing.




