Contemporary art and Contemporary Dance: an Interdisciplinary Aspect


  • Katerina Lukyanenko



Purpose of Research is to clarify the meaning of the concept of "contemporary dance" in optics of art history approaches to the interpretation of the term "contemporary art". Methodology. The terminological method made it possible to correlate the terms and the concepts denoted by them; methods of analysis, comparison, and theoretical generalization are also applied. Scientific novelty. The term "contemporary dance" is analyzed through the prism of the term "contemporary art", the unique dualistic nature of contemporary dance (an integrative system of technical-technological and ideological-philosophical components) is proven. Conclusions. The term "contemporary dance" is consonant with the term "contemporary art" in the aspect of modernity, relevance, but acquires specific features in the choreographic and choreographic discourse. The terms "modern dance" and "contemporary dance" are not identical: the first is used to denote a wide range of varieties, directions, styles of modern dance of the 20th - early 21st centuries, the second - to denote an independent variety of modern dance that arose at the end of the 20th - at the beginning 21st century Contemporary dance can be considered as a complex phenomenon, which is not only a set of methods and techniques of dance (technical-technological level), but also is in the plane of philosophical and cultural-artistic concepts (spiritual-mental, ideological-aesthetic level), which simultaneously become the source of contemporary dance, and its regulator. Contemporary dance is dualistic in essence, integrates immanent dance features and features of contemporary art as a whole, is an integrative system of technical-technological and ideological-philosophical components.




