Glory as the Ethos of Contemporary Protestant Worship


  • Tetiana Bulakh



The purpose of this study is to conduct a detailed analysis and examination of the impact of musical material on the formation of the ethos of church worship in contemporary Protestant churches. In this context, ethos is understood as the set of moral, spiritual, and cultural values and norms that are formed and maintained during worship. The study focuses on determining the role of music in worship and its significance for believers, as well as identifying specific musical practices that contribute to spiritual growth and the consolidation of the religious community. The methodological basis of the study includes qualitative data collection methods, particularly in-depth interviews with worship participants, observation of musical practices in various Protestant communities, and analysis of musical works used during worship. The research also relies on a literature review of existing works on the theology of music and ethnographic studies of religious rituals, providing a deep understanding of the phenomenon of musical worship. The scientific novelty of the work lies in a comprehensive approach to studying the musical aspect of Protestant worship, which has not received sufficient attention in scientific literature to date. The research highlights how the musical component of worship affects the spiritual state of believers and their integration into the church community, and also reveals new trends in the musical practices of contemporary Protestant churches. Special attention is given to how music helps to form and sustain an ethos that defines the moral and spiritual orientation of believers. Conclusions. The results of the study show that musical material plays a key role in shaping the ethos of contemporary Protestant worship services. Music not only fosters the emotional engagement of believers but also serves as a means of spiritual communication and enrichment of the religious experience. The importance of music in Protestant worship is emphasis+ed by its ability to unite the community and maintain religious identity. Thus, the musical component of worship becomes an integral part of the spiritual life of Protestant communities, shaping their unique ethos.





Musical art