Art of Illusionism as a Phenomenon of Spectacular Culture


  • Anastasiia Kravchenko



The purpose of the article is to consider the art of illusionism as a phenomenon of modern spectacular culture, within which its own semantics and aesthetics are formed and the realisation of the professional and creative potential of the individual becomes possible. The research methodology is based on systemic and value-based approaches, as well as on the application of analytical methods, synthetic, historical, art history and cultural studies, which allow a comprehensive consideration of the specified issues and obtaining relevant research results. The scientific novelty lies in the theoretical understanding of illusionism as a synthetic genre of modern art, which includes both technical and technological elements, as well as cultural and psychological ones, aimed at forming a bright and unusual spectacle, while relaying to the public the meanings and values that are relevant to modern society. Conclusions. As a result of the research, it was found that modern entertainment culture is a multi-genre phenomenon that affects all aspects of social life, contributing to the formation of new social ties, intercultural exchange, and also provides space for self-expression and creativity, offering unique opportunities for entertainment, learning and personal interaction. Illusionism as a phenomenon of entertainment culture and magic tricks as a variety genre perform not only an entertainment function, but also have a deep cultural meaning, stimulating creativity and forming a unique cultural product, which to some extent goes beyond everyday culture, creating the effect of a magical performance. Due to the unique combination of art, science and technology, illusionism encourages creative searches that lie beyond the boundaries of ordinary experience, forming new dimensions of perception of modern entertainment.




