Representation of Cinema Culture of New Hollywood in Author Models of Director's Creativity


  • Galyna Pogrebniak



The purpose of the article is to identify the features of the auteur cinema culture of New Hollywood, represented in the worldview models of directorial work, and to determine its influence on the creative screen practices of modern filmmakers. Research methodology. A cultural approach was used in the development of the topic to interpret the specifics of a unique artistic phenomenon – the cinematography of New Hollywood – as a powerful component of modern culture. The systemic approach made it possible to consider the film culture of the United States as a complex system with a branching number of subsystems. The comparative method was used to analyse and compare the features of the directing culture of New Hollywood with the culture of creation of other New Waves in cinema, to study the mutual influence of innovative screen cultures. In addition, during the research, an interdisciplinary approach was applied, the basis of which was general scientific theoretical methods: induction, deduction, complex art analysis, synthesis. This made it possible to logically and consistently study the factual material of New Hollywood film texts. The methodology of systematisation and generalisation was used in order to substantiate the originality of New Hollywood screen direction in the reproduction of social problems and showing the image of the hero relevant to them. The scientific novelty of the article is the study of the cinematography of New Hollywood, represented in the author’s directorial models, as a social value directed both to the general public and to individual personal perception. Conclusions. It is substantiated that the authorial directorial models of New Hollywood cinematography were formed under the influence of the creativity of European New Wave artists and are currently affecting the screen activity of auteur directors in the modern intercultural space.




