Evolution of Numismatic, Sphragistic and Phaleristic Iconography of Princesses of Kyivan Rus


  • Serhii Lytvyn




The purpose of the article is to outline the specifics of the evolution of the iconography of numismatic and sphragistic portraits of princesses of Kyivan Rus in historical retrospective and to identify the features of the representation of the images of Princess Olha and Anna Yaroslavna on coins and medals of the first decades of the 21st century. Research methodology. The analytical and source-based method, the method of typological and art-historical analysis, the evolutionary method, the method of comparative analysis, the method of iconographic and compositional analysis, the method of theoretical generalisation were applied. Scientific novelty. An attempt was made to identify the specifics of the transformation of female images of the times of Kievan Rus in historical retrospective. Based on a complex of methods of art historical cognition, the features of the iconography of numismatic and sphragistic portraits of ancient Russian princesses, the features of their reception in iconography and representation at the modern stage by Ukrainian artists (on the example of commemorative coins and orders). Conclusions. At the modern period, the images of princesses of Kyivan Rus are widely represented in Ukrainian art. The iconographic types of numismatic and sphragistic portraits of princesses formed during the time of Kyivan Rus have undergone significant evolution and reflected changes in the genres themselves. The change in the interpretation of images is closely related to the cultural and artistic, as well as aesthetic ideas of each historical era. The iconography of the images of princesses of Kyivan Rus of the modern period is quite rich and significantly differs from the previous eras. It has absorbed a variety of historical and cultural evidence about the fate of the princesses, based on historical and literary sources, deep knowledge of the art of the princely era, the history of Kyivan Rus. The evolution of the image of the ancient Rusian princesses reflected not only scientific research and the development of historical knowledge, but also generalised poetic ideas about their lives and fate. It can be assumed that the lack of a historically accurate depiction of the princesses of Kyivan Rus gives artists the opportunity to embody in their images their own idea of the beauty and greatness of historical female figures, and their bright fates became an occasion for reflection on the eternal problems of existence.





Art, decorative art, restaurant