Peculiarities of Jewellery Art of Kyivan Rus (Treasures of the X–XIII Centuries from Rivne Region)


  • Julia Sabadash



The purpose of the article is to examine the peculiarities of the development of jewellery art in Kyivan Rus on the example of the unique findings of 1971 and 1975 of the Torhovytsia and Dorohobuzh treasures of X–XIII centuries in the Rivne region. The research methodology is based on the application of historical and cultural, systematic, chronological, classification, terminological, comparative, and analytical methods, which allows the author to reveal the peculiarities of the development of jewellery art of Kyivan Rus on the example of the findings of the Torhovytsia and Dorohobuzh treasures of X–XIII centuries from the Rivne region. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the generalisation and systematisation of the research of cultural monuments of jewellery art of Rus using the historical and cultural method, which combines the analysis of the development of jewellery art on the example of the archaeological artefacts of the Torhovytsia and Dorohobuzh treasures of X–XIII centuries in the Rivne region. Conclusions. The development of jewellery art in Kyivan Rus is largely illustrated by the discovery of treasures that included women's and men's jewellery – products made of precious metals. Among the unique monuments of this type discovered over the past forty years in Ukraine on the lands of Southwestern Rus (the modern territory of the western regions of Ukraine), two treasures of ancient Rus objects from the Rivne region stand out: accidentally found by students of the Torhovytsia secondary school in the Mlyniv district on 25 March 1971 and transferred to the Rivne Museum of Local Lore; discovered in 1975 in a dwelling 3–A of XIII century during an archaeological study of the ancient settlement of the chronicle city of Dorohobuzh in Dorohobuzh village, Hoshcha district, by an archaeological expedition of the Rivne Museum of Local Lore. It can be argued that in the times of Kyivan Rus, jewellery art using art metal reached high skill and sophistication, which were continued in various forms of traditional and contemporary Ukrainian decorative and applied art.






Art, decorative art, restaurant