Viennese Modern in the Optics of E. Mach's Philosophy of Empirio-Criticism (Part II)


  • Alina Slivinska
  • Zlata Sapyelkina



The purpose of the article is to analyse the Viennese Modernism artists’ work in the context of one of the main contradictions of the late 19th and early 20th centuries between the real and illusory worlds, the dichotomy of the rational and emotional, the sensual and the supersensible, the conscious and the unconscious, nature and culture, life and death. To reveal the influence of the Ernst Mach's empirio-criticism philosophy on the development of the theory of new art by Hermann Bahr, the founder and ideological inspirer of "Young Vienna", and the early work of the Austrian poet and writer, the exponent of the ideas of decadence, Hugo von Hofmannsthal. Research methodology. Research of the discourse of Viennese modernism through the application of a number of general methods - historical, comparative, analytical, structural, hermeneutic and symbolic-allegorical, etc. Scientific novelty. The article is the first in the Ukrainian humanities to examine the phenomenon of Viennese modernism from the perspective of the Ernst Mach’s empirio-criticism philosophy. Conclusions. The Ernst Mach’s empirio-criticism philosophy, represented by the claim “the world is my sensation”, was one of the ideological and theoretical foundations of Viennese modernism, first of all for the "Young Vienna" society. It had an impact on the Hermann Bahr’s theory of new art development, as well provided the foundation for understanding and comprehension, reflection and representation of the contradiction between illusion and reality by means of artistic creativity in the early poetic work of Hugo von Hofmannsthal and opened the ways for its resolution through the penetration into the depths of one's own "I" in order to overcome the personality crisis and reveal the relationship between man and the world, being on the border of the rational and the unconscious, earthly and otherworldly, life and death and its manifestation in creativity.





Art, decorative art, restaurant